When the summer tree in bloom

When the summer tree in bloom

Anna came along with the summer.

She strolls lazily around the room with a light step.

The room with the air conditioning is only 22 degrees Celsius, a stark contrast to the outside, which is just a window away.

Outside the window is like a furnace, while inside it is spring.

As spring has already passed, it is easy to think of continuous rain and cool or even cold air.

The trees and grass are growing quietly, and life comes to life again in spring.

In less than a week after Anna's arrival, she gave us a big surprise.

Almost no one noticed at first that Anna was pregnant.

But that explains why she was so languid, in tune with the heat outside the window.

On a still-hot afternoon, Anna gave birth to two new babies.

Everyone was surprised and panicked because no one had ever experienced such a thing - delivering a kitten.

But Anna was a strong mother, and in fact the mother cats were capable of taking care of themselves to some extent.

We didn't really do much to help, but just watched her give birth.

Life has weight.

The birth went well, the newborn kittens could not open their eyes, and it was difficult to identify the sex.

They just crawled around with their eyes closed, probably with their only thought being to live.

Fortunately, the mother was right by their side.

The only thing that helped was that we helped Anna cut the placenta out. Yes, she didn't chew it off and eat it like any other mother cat would have done.

The mother and child were safe.

Anna surprised us like a summer tree blossoms.  Life was born not in spring but in the sweltering summer heat.

But the birth of a new baby made us forget, for a moment, that we were sweating because of the heat.

Everyone was in a state of joy.

The only thing that worried us was the complicated relationships that Anna and her child would face.